Well we just got done walking with them to take Ava to the Operating room. I am just so mad that she had to have this done. Her arm never should have gotten the chemical burn. I will be honest I am mad that God allowed this to happen. She had enough going on with her reherniation and her bowel obstruction. I don't want to hear that, "at least it will help another child." I personally think it okay to let God know that you are upset. He knows my heart and that this is only my human nature. It just really makes me so furious.
She had a steady night and this mornings xray was a tad bit better then even the one taken last night. The right lungs has a new pocket towards the bottom open up. brain and I don't think it will open back up completely until her bowels heal and shrink. We know she will have to have another surgery to clean up her bowels. We have a suspicion that her bowels have an opening somewhere.
So they told us the skin surgery will take about an hour or longer. We are back in her room waiting for her return. I was very anxious that she had to leave her room and our wonderful doctors. The OR docs don't know her and how she tolerates things. I do know that she is under anesthesia and can't feel anything. So here is what is happening right now in OR. They are using an instrument like a "cheese grater" and taking away all the dead skin and replacing it with cadavire skin. This will stay on for a week maybe longer until she is strong enough for her own skin graphing.
If you want to add anymore bad news to the ever growing pile, the rooms on each side of us have things that are highly contagious. ONe more worry for us we don't need.
So that is where we are sitting. Please say a prayer for Brian and I that God can continue to keep us strong. This is really so hard, if you can imagine the unimaginable you will know our thoughts at this time. Thanks again for all the encouragement. There are so many of you that we don't even know personally but we thank God for your prayers and your support.
The girls came up last night with my Mother. It was so great to see and hold them! I miss them so much. I crave our "old" life. What is normal?
Mom thanks from the bottom of my heart for making us home-made chicken noodle soup and all the extras. You don't know how much that meant to me. I know this is hard for you to see me and Ava in pain but know that you are doing ALL you can possibly do. I love you so much! If nothing else this makes us appreciate life and our family and friends to the fullest. AND that is a wonderful thing!
Karenand Marsha thanks for caring for the girls and keeping them safe. I know this is not easy and Brian and I are at ease that that is one less worry we have to think about at this moment. We love you both so much!
~Terri, Brian, and Miss Ava
My heart goes out to you and Brian having to see your little girl go through all this. Especially that burn it is unbelievable that had to happen. Poor Ava she is going through so much the last thing she needed was a burn.
I have been praying for Ava and even asking family,friends and my blog readers to pray for Ava's recovery.
Stay Strong
P.S I love the pig tails
P.P.S thank you for taking the time and updating the blog. I check it first thing in the morning and at night before bed. I rooting for Ava! She is so lucky to have such wonderful parents right by her side.
God Bless!
I read your update on caringbridge and I'm glad to see she is out and everything is going well. I understand why your angry. As hard as it is right now, this to shall pass and she will be back in your loving arms. I reall feel that. I'm praying everyday for your family as well as the doctors helping her.
I love Ava's pigtails. It upset us too that the burn happend. We hope that her arm heals well. We are praying for Ava and we hope she gets well fast so she can go home.
Since God is Our Father - we are allowed to get mad at him - I honeslty believe he expects it when things don't go the way we think they should. It doesn't mean that we don't love him or visa versa - it is part of our own relationship with God. We work it out. I will tell you this - you will see with time the reasons why - not all but you will have some understanding of it all.
This said - your thanks to your Mom - had me in tears. You can feel the love in your words.
I am keeping Miss Ava in my thoughts, prayers and LUNG FUNCTION chants,
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