Well we are still coming along. Ava is a little on the sleepy side today. She is very junkie sounding and is getting a tad bit better at coughing. I think she is still in pain. We both held her in today. I think she gets a little motion sickness by moving her. Last night we tried to get her to take another wagon ride but she kept shaking her head NO! So we let her rest. She has no interest at all in standing. We are working with her but know it will take time.
The PICU is extremely busy right now. Last night was really sad, the child that was two doors down from Ava's room passed away. The nurses wouldn't tell us anything and we didn't expect them to we just knew. This is the second death in here since we came. We were close many times here. I just thanked God all night for letting us keep her. This PICU is really stressful. When you walk off the elevator your heart sinks.
So anyway enough doom and gloom, Ava is doing good. She is such a precious little girl. She toughs out the pain and we have even seen a few smiles. I have not caught them on camera yet but I will soon! The picc line is GONE! She had her stomach dressing changed today. This happens on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I like this because it gets looked at often. I don't want things hiding. We have had enough of that!
So that is about all. I did throw together a video of Ava's PICU fun. ENJOY!
Aww Terri, I loved the video. You are an amazing woman, so strong, you are an inspiration and so is Miss Ava. We continue praying for her.
CHERUBS Mexican Rep.
You and Brian are amazing parents. I know where Ava and her big sisters get it from!
Hoping you all get busted out of there soon!
With thoughts, prayers and LUNG FUNCTION chants,
I just loved the video. She looks like she is bouncing back slowly but surely.
Keep it up Ava.
We are still keeping you guys in our prayers. Keep coughing Ava!!
Pam and Rhett
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