Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Better day but SO loooooong.

Ava did much better today. We are thinking that the antibiotics are doing the trick. My Mom called today and reminded me of the verse in the Bible that goes like this, “You have not because you ask not."  We just have to ask God to heal her without surgery. “Ask and ye shall receive.” right?

Her stomach is back down.....not totally but pretty close. She is up to 40 ml's per hour on Elecare and she has been so hungry, still. She is still just on liquids. She LOVES chicken broth! She drinks about 10 ounces every 8 hours. That is the most she has ever taken in by herself. I just can't believe she hasn't thrown up since Saturday. WONDERFUL!

She also pooped 2 times today with large amounts both times. So I’m thinking she doesn’t have an obstruction. We shall see.

We did lots of fun things today. I thought I would show you the best right off at the start. She is back to herself. No pain what so ever today!! She was a pistol.


This is Miss Ava waking this morning. Why must the docs come in so early?


Bath time was much better today!


Watching TV in her stroller because what else is there to do but play musical chairs?


NEWS FLASH! We finally got a potty chair. Thanks you Emily and Bree from Child Life! Ava sees what I do and copies……….What can I say, I like things sterile!


AND a girl has to have a foot bath now and again!


At the end of the day Ava hates to sleep in the hospital bed. She resisted until I said, “Now Ava!”


So I saved the best for last. Miss firecracker here is rockin this illness out of her body. If all goes well and no vomiting overnight we have a very good chance of going home tomorrow.  She is doing great and she was in a much better mood today as her tummy started getting the feeds. She was still doing great with her liquids which surprised and shocked me once again. She is always going to be this strong willed child. I must just get used to this right now, because I don’t see it changing anytime soon!

Your prayers are being heard. SO keep them coming. God can heal her without surgery….we just need to ask!

Cross your fingers that we can leave tomorrow.



Lacey said...

I love how she watches you and stops when you look. i miss the wiggles. My kids are to old for them and jax doens't care. I liked to sing and dance to them with my kids.

Sky + Carla said...

It's so WONDERFUL to see Ava doing better and smiling again :) I'm crossing my fingers and toes so you guys can go home tomorrow!!!


~ Carla : Joseph's mom (2.3.09 - 2.26.09)

Bryan said...

Praise God! Praying you all get home tomorrow and can stay there for a good long time!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that she is having a better day

Allie and seth