Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Hanging out at Home.

Hey guys. I know I didn't update last night and many people asked me how she was today. She's doing good. I used to say. "No news is good news." So if I don't post that is why. I told Ava I was doing an update and she says..."Why... nothing is happening." She is right.

One thing we are watching is her incision. The spot that was blister-like is getting worse. I sent the nurse a picture late this afternoon but didn't hear back. It looks like it needs to be be drained. Her skin has healed underneath I think that for some reason fluid got underneath. The rest of her belly is healing great.

I asked if I could take a picture of her in her bed and she says... "I'll send you one I took today." She is something else. Here is the one she sent me. The facial expression... ?

We would appreciate the prayers. We have so many prayer warriors. God is surrounding her and I'm so grateful to be home.

I had a breakdown Sunday. I had kept putting my feelings aside at the hospital being strong for Ava. Yes there were a few times I cried with her but mostly I kept cool. I grieved her pain and all she endured the last three weeks. It was had, so hard. I'm doing better today. I felt bad as I should have been so happy she was home and doing so good... however my brain felt the sorrow.

Thanks for checking in. We are so grateful for the support, love and prayers!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Terri, That one spot on her incision just look yucky. I am so glad she is feeling well. Sending lots of hugs, love and prayers.
