Monday, July 13, 2020

Admitted for Obstruction.

Sadly we are back in the Hospital. Yesterday Ava kept throwing up green then brown... she really hasn't eaten or drank much since Friday. Went to ER they did x ray and CT. She couldn't keep anything down and her right side hurt. She was admitted around 11:30 pm.

They made her drink contrast to better help them see her intestines and stomach... it didn't stay down long. I felt so bad for her.

Warning: This next picture is for cdh parents that need to see the process. 

The surgeon just came in said she has an obstruction in her small bowel. They let her rest and get fluids last night. She threw up again at 3am. If she continues the NG suction is of course the next step. She's laying in odd positions to relieve the pain. All of the typical signs from when she had an obstruction after surgery at 2 years old. This is a complication we knew would happen. I'm so sad she has to endure all this. Brian couldn't be with us in the ER (Corona rules in ER) but he did come up after she was admitted. Bummer a huge step back when things were looking so good. She is trying to cope with this... it's been extremely hard.

This is Ava this morning. I need my prayer partners... please Lord help Ava once again.

God bless.


Mary Lou said...

I just randomly visited your Blog thinking that there would be absolutely no new posts.... Boy was I wrong. I guess the Lord lead me to your Blog so that I can lift sweet Ava up in prayer today!! Virtual hugs, Mama!! :)
Peace and Love, Mary Lou

Unknown said...

Terri, I am so sad for all of you. Sending prayers that this will be a bump in the road and God will be pulling you through it. My heart breaks for Ava to have to go through this.



Sandy Daron said...

Oh, I am so sorry! How miserable! I will it can be resolved without surgery.

Love ya,
