Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Day 2

Hello friends. Ava had a lot happen today. Rough morning. She was fighting the nose suction tube down her stomach. She didn't pull it out but was furious with the doctors, nurses and I. Brian stuck on her side. Finally after several hours surgery decided the tube could come out. Praise the Lord! She felt so much happier. Her cathader came out about a half hour later. They also remove the artery line.

We got out of intensive care around 2:30 this afternoon to the surgical floor sometime today.

Ava likes the bigger room. She still has an epidural and got a bolus of medicine around 3:30. She was able to per on her own. She was very adamant about not walking today because of the pain. However she changed her mind after not liking to go in a bed pan. We were all shocked when she walked (with help from nurse) twice to the bathroom. The surgical team is thrilled with how well she is doing.

She wanted to drink so bad but they are waiting for bowel sounds. They finally let her have a few ice chips. She has a really sore throat due to the ventilator tube during surgery.

She then got very hungry but again we have to wait. I can't believe the strides she's made today. So many people are praying for Ava.  She admitted she did not expect it to be so hard. She's so strong.

Ava said her chest felt tight and hard to breathe a few hours ago. She needs to cough stuff up but it hurts so her oxygen is running 96. Still good but not her normal.

A great day. I never imagined she would be doing so well in just one day. Thanks for checking in.


1 comment:

Mary Lou said...

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!! Thank-you for the update, Friend.... Keep us all posted, please!! :-D
Peace and Love, Mary Lou