Hello guys. I'm happy to report we are home! This was the very first time I wasn't thrilled to leave the hospital. I wanted reassurance that her bowels will keep working. Ava was ready and she said she felt great. She is eating and going to the bathroom just fine now.
Ava sharing her good news!
Dr. Shilyansky came in to check on her this morning. This amazing man has saved Ava's life more times than we can count. We are so grateful for his knowledge and skills to fix our daughter. I got a picture of them together. He feels closer than a doctor to us... he truly does! Dr. Farber was also there. He's a Fellow and a good one at that. We appreciated everything they both did for Ava.
These hospital rooms are so beautiful. I took this picture this morning as the Sun was coming up. These large windows make it feel more open and peaceful. I don't think Ava put her phone down ever unless she was sedated or asleep. It drove me a little nuts... but it got us through.
This was a cabinet that we could put our things in and it was also a board we could write on. I sure used it while we were there. I used the other board too. I kept track better than a few of the nurses. Some of the things are funny, like How many Sneezes Ava had per day... others were her daily output to how many times we each won a game. I even wrote the times down when the tv would turn on by itself. Creepy!
I woke at 5 AM got a shower and started packing things up. Ava was off fluids so we were pretty sure she was going home. I was wanting to stay until 4 days after she started eating food but we all felt that she was doing so well and it was time.
Funny story.. well I guess how you look at it. Back to the packing at 5:30 this morning... I was gathering up things I had two huge bags full of things to take to the car. I was so carefree (Did I just use that word?!) I totally forgot to grab my mask. I went down the hall to the elevators, rode down to first floor the doors opened and all of a sudden it hit me. It felt as if I was naked. (You just don't go without a mask.) I quickly walked to the exit. I felt like there were guns pointed at me... in my mind of course. I was going to get in big trouble... made it to the check in table and plopped my bags down and grabbed a mask on the stand and quickly put it on. The ladies looked at me in disgust. I politely said, "I'm so sorry we have been here a long time and well I just can't remember theses masks all the time." I didn't wait for a response I just left. The panic I felt. Now it seems funny. This is not the first time I forgot my mask. I think I caught myself about 3 times. It was so hard to remember. The thing that made you remember was seeing the staff all armored up. Ali our nurse last night was so nice. We got along so good with her. Our day nurse was Kelly ans both of them were just so funny and you could tell they LOVED their job. Kelly was a comedian and Ali was the sweetest. I wanted to take pictures of them but with this Covid thing I didn't. We will not forget you all.

The elevator has mirrors on the ceiling. I couldn't believe we were actually heading home.
I made a bet with Ava on the 15th that if she walked a lap around the Surgery Unit I would give her a dollar a lap. (10 laps equal one mile says the nurses) I counted 273 steps per lap. Ava was reluctant to take me up on my offer. I really wanted to get her up and moving to get her intestines working... well I paid her when we got home. 84 LAPS= $84.00. I'm so proud of her and SO So happy we are home.
Lexis and Emeline came over and gave Ava a few gifts. Stitch things of course. She is infatuated with Stitch from Lilo and Stitch... she also can say every word and song to Disney's Princess and the Frog. Who knew?! Only Ava!
It was so good to see them. It was really important for Ava to go through this with her sisters even if it was video chatting. It helped calm her and give her something worth living for truly. They have a dog and during her stay more than once I'd bring Willow to her mind. I said you are too important to so many you can't give up. I know it's hard but think about Willow? That got her every time. Emme surprised Ava a few minutes ago and brought Willow over. They both were so happy. My girls are the best. They love each other so deeply. It melts my heart to see them together. A great day, indeed!

Thanks again for your support. God has been so good. We try to dance in the rain.... oh but it's so hard sometimes. Av and I really learned to buckle down, grab the mind game of the tube and attack it. It truly was mind over matter. She got to a really low place but she turned it around. Please continue to pray that Ava's intestines keep working and doing their job. I'm keeping her on a soft diet for a little longer. Have a great night and God Bless!