Friday, August 29, 2008

To Touch a Butterfly and see an Angel.

A Very Special and Rare thing happened today. We were going to leave and a butterfly came accross our path. Brian noticed it and grabbed it so Ava could take a closer look. She loved it as you can see. I just sat down to download the pictures off on to my computer and a feeling came over me. Perhaps the butterfly was her ^Angel^ CDH friends stopping by to say, "Hello." It brings tears to my eyes to think how close I was to an angel.

How truly special this is to me!



Jen said...

Simply Beautiful.

Jen Miller

Vicki Jensen said...

I got chills reading your post. When I was pregnant with Jack we had so many butterflies that came into our yard and they'd always land on me! We never had them before that and haven't had many this year. We always thought they were Jack's angels too!


Elizabeth said...

Angels came to see her for her Birthday! I love it Terri. Some don't believe in signs but I do - and I think God allows them to help us through and see what is unseen...