Thursday, November 4, 2021

We are Home!

 Hello friends! Ava rested very well today. She was exhausted from her sickness and procedure so we let her sleep. Can you tell she loves Stitch? My baby isn't so little anymore.

The doctor and residents rounded at about 6:15 am. We had all gotten up at around 5 am. It's so hard for me to sleep in the hospital. The doctor didn't have any new information just that it was not an infection and if we felt good about taking care of her at home we could. I was not going to leave without Ava being able to go #2. They agreed.

We don't have any concrete findings on why fluid built up so heavily in her abdomen yet but Ava checked all the boxes so she was able to get discharged. 

☆ No fever and No infection.

☆ Pain was much better.

☆ She was able to eat.

☆ She could poop. (Sorry Ava.)

☆ The output was lower from the drain.

☆ I know how to take care of her and the tubing at home. Wa-la!

☆ Ava said she was ready to leave. I've got to trust She knows her body.

So it feels so good to be home. We will keep track of the output of the drain. When it is less than 5 ml's a day for 2 days in a row we can call and the radiologists will do an ultrasound and see if it will be ready to come out. We have an appointment for the drain removal and to see her surgeon on November 12. I'm praying she behaves and doesn't give us anything more. Ava likes to do this to all of us. I measured the output at 7 pm. I apologize if it's too graphic but this blog keeps my memory doing well! The color is a little darker and as you can see it's 10 ml's. I think the nurse pulled 5 or 7 ml's this morning. So not terribly bad but still not what we need or want.

I'm so ready for bed. Thanks again for all your support, love and prayers. Ww greatly appreciate them.

-Terri and Ava


Anonymous said...

So happy for Ava to be feeling well enough to go home. God is so good.

Mary Lou said...

In the second picture of Ava, she looks so much better!! Another positive right there!! Thanks be to God!! Now sending prayers that they solve the mystery of why Ava’s abdomen keeps filling up with fluid….
Peace and Love, Mary Lou