Saturday, November 6, 2021

Dealing with the Drain.

 Hello friends! Ava is continuing to do well. I took this rare picture of her close to her dad. The love is so strong. We often take our health for granted. We shouldn't do this.. I wish Ava didn't have to know this kind of pain and hurt in life. It doesn't seem fair.

We changed her dressing yesterday after her shower. This is how it looked.

Then after I redressed it. These beautiful scars are signs of her courage and strength. 

Here it is tonight. I asked her what it felt like to have a tube like this in your side? She says it feels like someone is constantly poking you. The pressure is always there and you never forget it's there. There is one stitch holding it in place.

It looks good with no redness. There is a little bit of leaking around the site. The output is less and less each day. The color is slightly lighter each day as well.

 Yes I've been holding onto the syringes to show the quantity and color. Is that weird?

We found her soft bags my mom made her last time. These have been so perfect. How cute is she draining her own bag? She's doing so well, once again adjusting to all of this.

Thanks again for dropping by to check on Ava. We greatly appreciate your live, support and prayers, everyone!

-Terri and Ava

1 comment:

Mary Lou said...

‘These beautiful scars are signs of her courage and strength.’ Yes, yes, yes!! Ava’s scars, {and mine, as well}, are signs that she, {and I}, are survivors!! She, {and I}, were born with tenacity!! Ava’s scars, {and mine}, are visual signs of God’s healing Power!! :)
Peace and Love, Mary Lou