Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Paracentesis procedure

 Hello friends!! Ava has a long day. They came and got her around 8:30 am. We rode in the huge service elevator. It's so big. I was glad to finally get a picture of it.

The staff here is amazing. Olivia was Ava's daytime nurse. Kelly was our nurse that got Ava ready for the fluid drain. We met with the anesthesiologists and radiologist doctors. Everyone was so informative and helpful. We felt she was in great hands.

I was so thankful to have my handsome man by my side. Team Ava is on!! It's always hard to kiss her and tell her she will do just fine. It never gets any easier.

And off she goes! She is so tall she barely fits in the bed. Off she goes... she doesn't even look back.

They started around 9 am. This explains the procedure...

☆ A paracentesis, or an abdominal tap, is a procedure that removes ascites (build-up of fluid) from your abdomen (belly). The fluid buildup can be painful.

It took about an hour and a half. She was in recovery for about an hour. They updated us through text each time something new happened. It went well. The doctor placed a drained the fluid, all 1,200 ml's. He then placed a drain and will be monitoring the output. They did have to sedate her and put her on the ventilator. She came off it well. She was in good spirits going in. They joked were they going to have to surgically remove her phone from her hand. She's so vocal and funny. 

They finally brought her back to her room around 11:18 am. We were so happy to see her. She was sassy and didn't want any help. We left her be and then she slept for a good 4 hours. 

When she woke she was ready to eat. She still has pain... added throat pain from the ventilator as well but is doing better than we expected. We are waiting the results of the tests. The drain tube is on the right side. This is near the same spot as last year. The fluid was darker than I expected. I double checked with her to make sure she was okay with me posting this picture. She said it was fine. It broke my heart to learn she does not want to go back to school until the drain is out due to people making fun of her. We discussed how it could be concealed but she is not interested. Whatever Ava wants we will do. So here it is..

We were able to get a Olive Garden for Supper. We encouraged her to go for a rode in the wheel chair. Her and Brian had fun. I couldn't keep up. 

We had a good night but are now very tired. Ava is facetiming a few of her friends. I'm exhausted as I'm not a hospital sleeper. Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers. The outpouring of love and support we got yesterday was so heart felt. God bless you all friends.

-Terri and Brian


Gayl ELAM said...

Thinking and praying for all of you. Look forward to answers as to why she is filling with fluid again.

With Love,

Mary Lou said...

Thanks be to God that Ava’s procedure was successful!! A positive right there!! :)
Peace and Love, Mary Lou

Unknown said...

Hi Terri,
I've had you on my mind thinking we needed to get together and catch up
and then saw your post about Ava.💜 I have been praying for Ava every day
since finding out. The power of prayer is amazing. Hang in there my
friend, and make sure you take care of you, also.💙

Gayl ELAM said...

Sending Love, Prayers and Hugs to the Helmick family.
