Hello Ava friends and followers. You must forgive me for taking such a long break from blogging. Ava has been so healthy and myself not so much... migraines have taken over. As you can see by the title Ava has caught us off guard, yet again. In January and February of 2020 she went through many days of pain due to fluid collecting in her right abdomen. It was drained by needle then a few days later she had to have a drain placed as the fluid was coming back as fast as it was draining.
So onto my point... last night around 8:30 pm she texted me to come into her room. She was in tears and obviously I could tell she was in pain. She told me her left lower abdomen hurt as though someone was stabbing her. I took a deep breath and motioned Brian to come quickly. My first reaction was to bring her to the University. This little lady needed help and fast. We got on the road fast and was there by 10:00 pm. It took a long time in the Emergency Room but after an xray and bloodwork she was seen by surgery. (I called them during our hour and 20 minute drive to prepare them for her condition.
Her blood work came back normal and her xray showed she could be constipated.
She wasn't a happy girl with the enema they recommended. She ended up getting sick and throwing up. Poor Ava. Her history is quite extensive if you aren't familiar with her journey so they admitted her for observation due to her surgical past and stabbing pain that got worse as she walked. So at 2 am we finally made it to the Surgery floor suite. The staff has been amazing. Ava is always cooperative and was not upset when they told her the first IV was no longer. Yes she just gave them her hand and waited patiently. Ava is not an easy vein finder. However she got it on the first try. Thank you Lord.

Can you tell she loves me? ❤ We all tried to get some rest but it was about 3:30 am before we were settled. The surgical team knocked bright and early at 6am. They had called Dr. Shilyansky and he wanted a few more x-rays including a side view. I was so grateful to know he was being briefed our our beautiful but very sick daughter. At around 8am they took her for xrays. She was so tired but she didn't hesitate to jump in the wheel chair. Her phone was her comfort for the next few hours. Brian was trying to rest.
The surgery team also said Shilyansky wanted a CT scan of her abdomen as well. He wanted all eyes on board. This is one of the many reasons we love him. I was able to get a picture of her before her scan.
I was not ready for the results of the scan. I don't think Brian and Ava were either. The surgical nurse practitioner told and showed us Ava had a lot of free fluid like what happened in 2020 yet much more. My eyes were shocked to see the amount. The first one is a view from the top. The gray is the fluid. They have no idea where it is coming from and like last year we will not know until they test it. Last time it was some lymphatic fluid cells (not good) along with paranemal fluid. This is our normal fluid around our intestines but why the large quantity is a mystery.
Here is a view from the front. Again the circled gray is the free fluid. Her bladder is right underneath it. She's been having trouble peeing as well.
We now understand it is due to the pressure of the fluid. Also you can see her internal organs, like her intestines are smashed against the side wall. Things are way up by her diaphragm tightly too. The good news is that her new diaphragm looks good to them. (It looks super tight to me... yes I'm the over thinking mom.) The diaphragm is a huge concern of mine.
Ava heard and saw everything she told Brian and I. I can't read her mind or express her thoughts but I can tell you my heart ached for her. She knows all too well what this procedure entails and it hurts.
She rested well the next four hours.
She did eat some ice cream and apple sauce in the morning. They said no restrictions but I insisted just soft foods. Good thing I did! The plan is to drain the fluid and place a tube to continue to drain the fluid, first thing tomorrow.
I called Ava's AMAZING IEP teacher Ms. Kalina and she is organizing Ava's work with all her teachers. She's been such a God send to us for Emeline's high school years and now for Ava as well. We are extremely blessed to have her!! She's the best.
Please pray for Ava and our family. This reminds us of her past hurts and struggles and is very hard to walk this road yet again. We need wisdom for the radiologists and the doctors tomorrow. Last time the free fluid never got fully answered. We must know what is going on and how we can stop it permanently. God bless everyone who reads these words. We are so grateful of your concern, love and prayers.
"Lord we pray once again for our sweet Ava. We know that you are in contrand that no matter what happens you find good in trials. These is very difficult for Ava and we ask that you will comfort and calm her. Let her get good rest tonight in your precious name. AMEN."