Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Scoliosis Check-up

 Hello Ava friends! She says, "Hello"! She's been doing great. She does school online now. Mondays and Wednesday from 7:45 am to 12:35 pm. Then Tuesday and Thursday from 12:35 pm to 3:15. I kinda had to get on her today as one of her teachers called to tell me that Ava had several missing assignments. She then told me Ava had not got online today for her class. I had to disagree with her as Ava was sitting at the table with me as I was figuring out doctor's appointments... I could hear the teacher on her Chromebook that Ava had in front of her. She was even taking notes so I'm not sure what is going on but I told Ava that I want her school online time to be spent in the living room where I could double check that she is listening and participating.

As I mentioned above I was making appointments. I've not been feeling well. I have gone to several specialists and nothing is showing up in blood work and on scans. It's frustrating... I've had two kidney stones and once last year when my tubes that pass between my kidneys and bladder were narrowing on the right side. The doctor placed a stent in both kidneys. That "unwell feeling" returned on the 3rd and has not let up. It has stopped everything in my life. I can barely walk. So... that is why her Dad had to take her to her Orthopedic appointment today in Iowa City with Dr. Weinstein. This is the very first doctor's appointment I've ever missed with Ava. However Brian is very capable and I think they had a little father/daughter time today.

So here is what they both reported. Ava's spine is still holding at 24. This is great news! We had to reschedule her appointment due to her surgery in July, so we were wondering if her curve had changed. Thank you Lord that it is still stable 24. They did the x ray of her hand and found that she was done growing by her bone age. 

Photo credits... via snap chat by her Dad. I get what I get, folks!

Her x ray... See the curve? It's also interesting to see her new diaphragm placement as well.

Little education about bone age... A child's bones, such as those in the fingers and wrist, contain "growing zones" at both ends called growth plates. These plates consist of special cells responsible for the bones' growth in length. Growth plates are easy to spot on an X-ray because they're softer and contain less mineral, making them appear darker on an X-ray image than the rest of the bone. 

So she stands tall now at 5'7 and a half. Meaning that most likely she is done growing so therefore her bones will not change anymore. This is AMAZINGLY GREAT news for Ava. Dr. Weinstein says he doesn't see any surgery for her back in the future at all. Brian did so good that he got a few pictures for me to add to the blog. She doesn't need to return for a whole year and then again when she is a Senior in High school. One less thing we have to think about. Amen!

Thanks for checking in on Ava. As always, we Welcome your love, support and prayers. (Please pray for me too. I need to figure out what is causing so much pain in my abdomen and my back.) I hope everyone had a good day. I'm on pain meds so I hope this post makes sense. I try. Got to keep it updated!



Mary Lou said...

About Ava’s scoliosis update…. ‘Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His Love endures FOREVER’!! :-D
About you…. You’re in my thoughts, and my prayers, Friend. :)
‘The only thing I knew how to do; Was to keep on keepin’ on; Like a bird that flew….’ -- Bob Dylan
Peace and Love, Mary Lou

Claire said...

So happy to hear that Ava got all good news at her checkup. Stay well, Ava! Now we're praying for your health, Terri! It's time you all feel well for a change!