Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"Living with Scars" Project

Hello Ava friends! Many of you know I started a face book page for parents with congenital diaphragmatic hernia survivors. Well today marks our 3rd Birthday! I am so excited as the page has over 1500 followers. I decided to start the “Living with Scars” project to educate people of congenital diaphragmatic hernias. I asked parents to take a picture of their child’s cdh scar and post it on face book. I also asked them to tell us what they thought about when they see their child’s scar. CDH is such a battle and still to this day the success rate is only 50/50. Not good odds. I’m thrilled though the page is doing so well. I attribute it to so many wonderful moms and dad that give what works for them to help others!

scars project

Here is Ava’s. I’m so proud of her!

3802 project

What do I think about when I see my daughter's CDH scars?

I have a feeling of complete gratefulness that she is here with us today. I feel very BLESSED! It shows how hard she fought to survive this birth defect time and time again. I think of her courage and strength and how hard it must have been for her. It reminds me never to take life for granted, that we are never assured tomorrow. I know that her scars are just part of who she... a fighter in all sense of the word. I am SO proud to be her Mom!

A Diaphragmatic hernia is a birth defect in which there is an abnormal opening in the diaphragm allowing part or sometimes all of the organs from the belly (stomach, spleen, liver and intestines) to go up into the chest cavity, compromising the heart and lungs.

If you have a CDHer and want to get involved in this project please visit our page today!


Ava’s been doing much better after her bout with the stomach flu. She did end up losing 3 pounds which is pretty drastic for her but we will gain it back slowly but surely.

Schools been going great and yesterday she came home with an AWARD. I was so happy for her. It is a gift certificate to Wendy’s signed by her principle and her teacher.


I also happen to grab the other two girls and get their picture taken as well. We’ve been so busy these days I don’t take near the amount of pictures we did before. We are still helping out with my sister’s twins so life has been a little nuts lately!

We are so proud of our girls!

Girls February 2014

Thanks again for dropping by… we appreciate all the support and prayers!
