Monday, August 31, 2020

Happy 14th Birthday Ava!

 "Ava, It's picture day for my birthday girl... we do it every year! I can't believe all you've been through. This year was extremely hard and very challenging. I've seen you walk through some very dark days but you come out with a smile! Thanks for continuing to fight to be with us. I always get so emotional the days leading up to your birthday. I'm reminded of God's love... you are a miracle and it's been quite the ride. I love you with all my heart. You have made me a stronger person. You keep me on my toes. Love you forever my MIRACLE girl! Happy 14th Birthday!!!"

Can you guess which Disney Character she is into now?

We surprised Ava last night with a beach party. She was shocked to say the least. It was just our family. We really had a great time. She's been through so much the least I could do was give her a party. I'm sad her friends couldn't come... someday I pray.

And so it begins... the hat that will never leave her head. No, it was not my gift!

Yes that is a Stitch Onsie!

What are you wishing for Ava?

Photo prop time!! The photographer in me LOVES this part!

We are so blessed!

Ava started online school today. This is going to be an interesting year. I think her phone will have to be in my possession when she is doing school. Does she look thrilled?

Thanks for stopping by. We thank you for all the birthday wishes on facebook and on our CDH page. I did break down last night and had to come down and hug Ava. I cried and told her how much I loved her... how much she meant to me and that I was so happy she was okay now. I usually keep these feelings to myself. (It's kinda a ritual for my mind to just go back to her birth delivery and all the memories.) This year I felt overwhelmed and needed her to know that I'm so proud of the young lady she has become. We spent so many time in the hospital. I am just amazed at God's goodness to us. I want to let other CDH parents know that they are not alone in feeling sad even during moments of celebration. I've learned the most in life on the worst days of my life. I keep saying the Bible verse... "I can do all things through Christ!" Amen! We love you all, Have a good night.



Mary Lou said...

Wait. What?! Ava’s darker hair makes her look older, and more grown up!! How is that okay?! Thank-you for posting pictures of Ava WITHOUT her pink face mask!! ;)
Happy, happy, HAPPY belated birthday, my Kindred Spirit CDH survivor Friend!! You are Beautifully Unique!! Do not ever forget that!! You were fearfully and wonderfully made by a God Who never, ever makes mistakes!! Ava…. You were definitely not a mistake!! Always remember that!! You are a child of God!! Do not ever forget that!! :-D
Peace and Love, Mary Lou

Unknown said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Ava!! I am so amazed by your progress!! You are a warrior! You have become such a beautiful spirit and you are such an inspiration!!

Love ya!

Cole's Foundation