Sunday, July 19, 2020

Bored is good, right?

Hey guys. My update tonight is going to be short and sweet. Ava had a great Sunday.... boring... Same thing happening... She is on TPN feeds through her PICC line and still on suction in the NG tube. She has taken a few hour breaks from suction and been just fine. No more fever! I think she has a little more energy with the TPN.

A few pictures of her this morning. Don't you just love her socks? She rocks them.

So many people have sent Ava cards, notes and gifts. She says "Thank you Everyone!"
It makes things a little easier when she knows so many people care.

Brian's cousin sent Ava a really cool book about all 50 states with a super encouraging card about perhaps traveling when she gets better and all this is behind us. We can't wait for that day.

Her stomach is healing well. There is a spot that is a little red I'm keeping and eye on. The doctor thinks it is just the way her old scar is on top of her new one. Time will tell. Two weeks tomorrow post surgery picture. I look at it and say OUCH. She says it doesn't hurt at all. Wow!

We love boring days. Brian worked this morning but was able to come up this afternoon. I had him bring my running clothes and shoes. I really needed a little alone time to just think about me and to ask God to give me the strength to make it a day at a time. There is so much going on. It is so beautiful here. I was excited to run. It has been weeks. I thought I knew where I was going but got lost. Everything looks the same here at the University of Iowa. I had to stop, take out my phone and get directions back to the hospital. It made me think of our situation... I feel like we are in a spot where time stands still. Yes she has made progress and I thank God for it. I'm just kinda hanging out right now trying to find my way through this obstruction again. Will we have answers? Will we ever be worry free of her bowels getting blocked? Will this end? When can we go home? Those are all very real questions and I put them all in God's hands. I don't understand His ways but I trust them. I will be positive and focus on what I can do and hand God the rest. I'll do my very best. My run was MUCH needed time spent with myself... pushing harder and knowing I could do it! I'm so thankful I have a husband that loves us and does his best to try to do what he can to be here for us.

"Lord help guide us through. Give us the strength to face this head on, to lean on each other and our love for you. Bring us closer together as a family. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen."

All the blood work, urine and chest x ray were fine. Her white blood count was a little high at 19. So we are keeping an eye on that. No infection so far. Boring is good.

I made a deal with Ava that I would pay her a dollar for every lap she does around the unit. Today so far she has done 12. That is the most she's done in a day. I'm so proud of how she is handling all of this. Teenage years are extremely hard... hers is Covid and medical issues. Crazy?! God Bless you!


Mary Lou said...

Terri and Ava….
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” --Jeremiah 29:11 ��
Prayers are being send your way, Friends!! ����
Peace and Love, Mary Lou

Mary Lou said...

P.S. Apparently, Emojis do not work here!! What a ripoff!! :-D

firefly said...

Go Ava!! Super impressed with your laps. Sending lots of prayers for a great week! Sarah C.O.L.E'S Prayer Team