Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We are Home!


WOW does it feel great to be home. Ava is watching a new Wiggles and she is loving being home. Could I get her to smile? No not at the time my camera was out. The girls are not home yet so we are pretty excited about seeing them.

We stopped by Daddy’s work on the way home. He just had to see her and it is on the way. She was so excited to see him but as soon as he walked away the big Crocodile tears came. It is so sad that she has to be away for her family. This time it was just easier that I stay there by myself. Lexis and Emeline needed their Daddy. In fact the first thing I noticed when I stepped inside the house was a room full of blow up beds. All three had bunked together!

By the way I want to thank Daddy’s work, Wal-mart Warehouse for sending her the bear and the balloons. It cheered up her room!

AGAIN thanks for all the prayers. We are more than thrilled to be at home. Her feeds got started and she is off to a great start. She will continue on Flagyl for another 4 days then be off for a week then back on Flagyl for a week and off then on again until we see her doctor. Hopefully this will ward off those nasty bacterial overgrowth. We still are not certain it isn’t an obstruction but with this regimen we shall see. If it is I know it will rear it’s ugly head again!

Thanks Chelsey, Laura and all the staff at UNI we had a fabulous stay! We are praying we won’t see you again ever….no offense!

Smile ;) life is great!



Stephanie said...

I'm so glad you all are home safely, but so sorry to hear about the crocodile tears when daddy had to leave. We're looking forward to more successful updates on Ava.

Brooke and *Kamryn's Mommy

Fer said...

OMG Terri! I'm so happy you are back home!!!!!!!!!!