Hello friends. Ava was feeling better until yesterday when she began complaining about her lower right side abdomen hurting again. She went to the nurse's office today at school so of course I went and got her. I called Iowa City and Dr.
Shilansky wanted to have an ultrasound done to see if the fluid was back. We quickly jumped in the car to make the trip. Again Ava keeping me on my toes!
Good news. No fluid!!
Shilansky wanted to have an ultrasound done to see if the fluid was back. We quickly jumped in the car to make the trip. Again Ava keeping me on my toes!
Dr. S was uncertain why Ava is still having discomfort. It could be just the healing of where the tube was, he wasn't sure. He did bring up the need to fix her diaphragm. I've been asking my amazing cdh parents from our page. I had asked Dr. S about the pig tissue repair and he told us that was something he had been discussing with other doctors and it could be a possibly if that was something we wanted to try. CHOP does the pig tissue repair as well.
I've been asking God to give us clear indicators of the right choices and today I felt a peace come over me that this visit was a great step in the right direction. The nurse is going to call me in the next day or so and get us set up to see Dr. Shilyansky and Dr. Fisher the plastic surgeon. They will be working together to help repair Ava's left diaphragm. The tenitive plan is to do surgery in April. Yikes. Right? Pray for us. This is such a huge life step in Ava's life and ours too.
Thanks again for all the thoughts, well wishes and prayers. We love when you leave us comments below. It truly blesses our hearts. God bless!
-Terri and Ava